The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Rocky Road

Beautiful horse, confined to a stable for the next 3 months due to a fracture somewhere in the region of his fetlock joint. He's a good showjumper, but his owner couldn't resist pointing him at stone wall whilst out for a fast-paced gallop. He knocked some old wounds on his back legs and made a pretty big mess of them, but it seemed superficial and aside from that he was fine. The next day he came in from the field with his leg swollen to around 4 times it's normal size. Not only has he been recommended for 3 months box rest, but he's cross-tied too, so that he can't try to lie down. On his first night in he snapped both ropes out of the bailer twine that was used to tie him up, in his desperation to lie down. My heart breaks for him, and his owner is distraught. Hopefully time flies and he heals up asap.

Update: Unfortunately Rocky was put to sleep on Friday 13th. I admire his owner for her bravery, it was obviously a hugely difficult decision to make, however he is now no longer suffering. Some horses simply can't cope with that type of confinement, especially not for 3 solid months, Rest in peace, Rocky x

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