Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Three's A Crowd

Today Brian Cat brought a shrew back and left it by the back door. Cedar at the start of week two of not going out was made up. Drake was also very interested...although he's not one for picking the deceased up. Instead being part Goldie he prefers to roll in death and decay....luckily this was very fresh.

Then ensued a game of Cedar picking the shrew up and running off and doing his normal throwing the deceased into the air. On landing Drake would then roll on the shrew. Cedar is not used to sharing his presents and decided to mount an assault.

I did halt this game after a while as I was worried about the shrew popping.....I didn't fancy bathing Drake. The shrew is present in this scene but has been somewhat overshadowed.

Drake is never interested in the voles or the mice...shrews must have a very special fragrance....perhaps the perfume industry would be interested?!

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.

YODA, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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