We Are The In Crowd

Another Sunday. Another gig. Oh I am soooo rock & roll :D Another fabulous night at The Waterfront seeing three good bands - Super Prime, The Summer Set & We Are The In Crowd.

I went with Caitlin who went up early with her friend Amy as she had one a competition on Twitter to have a "meet & greet" with the band before the gig. She was allowed to take a friend and did ask if I wanted to go, but I told her to take Amy as it was Amy that told her about the competition in the first place. It was only fair :)

I saw my fabulous friend Angie and her son Kieron there too :) My ears are still ringing - I guess that's the price you pay for trying to get good photo's and ending up standing next to the speaker :D

This is We Are The In Crowd - well 3 of them anyway :)

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