Family 6

By meganrose


Look who also has grown!

It doesn't seem two minutes since he arrived and now he is seven months old.

A good catch up with Becca today - we walked to town and on the way in I spotted a really beautiful purple dress in Scope. Becca os a bridesmaid in September and she has to wear a purple dress. Huess what. it fit! So she is a happy unny and best of all she got to give her money to a charity.

We chatted a lot about my wedding and laughed a lot. She thought it was a perfect day, which is was, but we did laugh about her bringing a cake for the dessert table and it being ceremoniously placed on a HUGE table in the town hall. On it's own, as the rest of the desserts were at The Midland. We laughed about one of the guests being locked in the town hall for 45 minutes beofre the ceremony and the mix up with the veggie burgers. We laughed so much an elderly lady in TK MAXX asked for some of what we were having. 'It's good to hear people laugh' she said. 'there are too many miserable faces about'.

I neglected to point out it was the kids first day back at school after the holidays...


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