Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

"So that's why it's called Wallsend"

The title line must be at least 10 years old, as one of my highly intelligent uni friends worked out where the name Wallsend came from.

This bit of Hadrian's Wall always makes me feel a bit sad, none of the magnificence of the Northumberland countryside; surrounded by fencing and a bit unloved and un-noticed. To be honest I was a bit disheartened by the pics I took, couldn't get as close to the wall as I wanted or get the perspective that I wanted.

Today is the first day that a few of us, who know each other in the real world, have decided to do a bit of a blip challenge. Ah yes, one of those that I tried and failed to do in March. Another attempt. But I feel I have made a good start, if not in photographic terms, for the first blip time ever I made a specific de-tour to take a pic.

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