
By Fiona50

The Heron

Sorry no blip again yesterday. Was very poorly and in bed all day so did have an excuse but have also worried about my lack of inspiration since the spoiling of opportunities in Oz.

So today back to a favourite blip mine by Thrupp and unbelievably only noticed for the first tiime the poem carved on thise ornamental stones. Its called the Heron and this is the full poem:

Dead-centre down the still canal
A blue ghost flies with a mussel shell
Clamped lightly in its bill

Folding the daybreak's river mist
With the creaking steps of its flight
Past the diamonds and daisies on the cratch

Of the narrowboat
Clove-hitched to a cast-iron bollard
Past the dredger's hopper, the humpbacked bridge

Then drops the empty shell
Still hinged by a thread
Among flints and ashkeys on the tow-path"

Dont know the poet -does anyone else?

Wished I could have blipped the inspiration for the poem but hey! In the background you can see the lock bridge.

What really got me was that someone had knitted tiny toadstools and a caterpillar on the top! What a strange little gift.

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