Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Redundant bookmark.

Tiring day today. Typically now the fella's gone back to work I get sick and have a teething baby. Got through the day even after going shopping and getting mugged by cheek-pinching ladies admiring little monkey and asking me what equipment I was carrying him in (answer: a sling). Sorted out some musical instruments today ready for eBay. Seeing as I hardly play them anymore there's not much point having 3 keyed flutes when I don't teach any more. So mine stays, the other two go. My blip today was going to be of 3 of my favourite flutes. A silver traditional keyed, a dark wood Irish open keyed and a native American hand carved. Unfortunately I lost concentration and couldn't do them justice so maybe another day.

Right now my bed is calling, now to choose which book to read...

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