Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Light Storm

The lamp shade came with the house. Its in what is my studio but was the nursery for the previous owners. Well I liked the shade its very girlie in my girlie space and I like the patterns it makes on the ceiling.

Still need to change the bulb for a low energy - dear god the people here before did not believe in low energy. I have a few dimmer switches to take out and if they could put in halogen spot light strips - my god so they did - bathroom, landing, Mr Mouses studio/utility room, downstairs loo and the kitchen (ok spot lights in the kitchen I can forgive).

My day has not been so good - back to doing battle with work - they sent me a letter - but failed on some important info. Said I might be able to claim ESA but I need them to tell me if I am getting statutory sick pay and if not I need them to provide me with a form before I can claim - stupid (insert what ever naughty words you feel are appropriate)

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