
By Cari

more signs of....

Spring! er', summer? Neither of which it felt like today. My husband keeps a bar-b-que at work and treats the employees once in a while(more in the summer). Over the weekend he decided to dust off the cob webs and gear it up for the season! He has cooked steaks, like today, burgers, brots...whatever strikes his fancy. I got myself a couple portabella mushrooms and a fellow non meat eater a salmon steak. Turned out to be a nice lunch! :)

Today was our first day of being serious about our weight loss and getting healthy plan. I think we did pretty good. The main thing is we are cutting out refined sugars, white flour products, processed foods and such. Drinking more water. We are paying attention to carbs, really watching what types we eat. Fruit is good, piece of cornbread not good. Well, actually, cornbread is delicious but I'm staying away from certain bread products. I like the idea of the glycemic index way of eating as I think it's a way you can eat for life. I'm not saying I won't have a treat now and then but I will be smart about how often and how much. Too be honest, the hardest for me? Is wine. I like a glass of wine(or two) in the evening. Not every night but often enough. I will be drinking less. It is just so very important to me to get down to a healthy weight and to help my husband to do so also as he has more to lose and more health issues. I just need to keep focused on my goal.

Happy Monday

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