Making Arrangments

Doesn't that phrase, "Making Arrangements" seem like it should be used when describing a day at a floral arranging class, not when spending a day planning a funeral service? I just think that "Making Arrangements" is a tidy way of putting something that can be really messy sometimes.

Mother Comfort had been considerate and arranged most of this ahead of time. There are still the details of where, when and what to say on the program and in the paper and such. It is a day of reflecting and remembering the good times, the humorous times and the times you will try to forget. It is a day when you should pause to stand under an apple tree and take pictures of it's blossoms because, for some silly reason, they seem to fit this kind of day perfectly. It is a day to go to her home and select clothing for her and stand pondering her world and how we were planning, just two short weeks ago, to consolidate ours with hers.

It is a day to be thankful for the amazingly warm wishes and prayers from all over the world on blip and facebook, in phone messages and texts and even some in person.

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