This is as good as it gets...

Saturday... new shift beginning at 730am... great idea, if only I hadn't remembered at 1130pm the night before, so would have gone to bed earlier. After work which was a hoot as usual I decided to chill with the flat mate and his friend Dave.

Then a call came in from Mark's friend Hayley of Hayley and Kayleigh...they wanted me to meet them up town for a drink...I convinced myself one or two would be okay...woops I got too excited and enthralled with everyone that was out, there were at least 5 different groups of people that I love out... this was a fail I was clearly not going home early, but at least Mark can drive us into work in the mornings.

This is one for about 3 pics this is as good as it gets, this is Mark (the flatmate's) younger cousin Laura who was out celebrating for her birthday...GREAT BANTER! shame she's a gooner lol x

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