Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Graffiti on a bridge

These bits of tagging are on the bottom side of a bridge, about 30 feet above a river. Graffiti artists are, regardless of my thoughts on the topic of vandalism and law and such, amazingly talented. From every vantage point I could get, it seems that the only way to get from segment to segment of the underside of this bridge is to go around the outside. Looks like a couple of inches of ledge with with to navigate around an at least 1 ft wide obstacle. I would not be doing that.
But they do, and they also paint. Fantastic.

I'll make a distinction between graffiti artwork such as this piece in the center of the frame with the red lines on the far left edge, or when some clown defaces a stop sign with a sharpie. They both can be considered art, I guess, but I have a little less respect for the latter.

Jet Set Radio (or Jet Grind Radio, depending on whether you played the Japanese version or not) is a fantastic game on the short-lived Sega Saturn. You play a rollerblading graffiti artist trying to undermine an oppressive Tokyo government by defacing public property. Hmm, when I say it like that, it's not that postitive a message at all. Well, if you played it, you'd know the government people were totally the baddies (who else would send missile-launching Apache helicopters after simple vandals?).

If you never played it, it's getting an HD re-release on Playstation Network, XBox Live Arcade and for Windows computers. The game featured some fantastic works of graffiti artwork, a great soundtrack (even today, 12 years later), and its cel-shaded graphics hold up remarkably well even today. It'll look even better once re-released.

Anyways, I'll leave you by paraphrasing a warning screen from the game that appeared when you turned on the game system...Graffiti is art. However, graffiti as an act of vandalism is a crime. There's a time and a place for everything, kids.

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