
By andpieces

Water resistant but not loss proof

You should've seen this face at 3.20pm....................boy it was screwed up! More screwed up than this! The first day of the new term had taken it's toll on this boy.

Once home he started crying, saying he'd felt unwell all day.

Not necessarily a lie, just an exaggeration that showed it's self when I revealed that his long awaited Fifa 12 had arrived.

A wee game of Fifa, a fishcake and some freshly made raspberry lemonade later and the boy was completely fixed.

Me too.............the mood of yesterday is a faint shadow now.................I'm a Gemini.

When I posted this image of him on his way to football training, this jacket was in his possession. He's now home and it no longer is. It's new! He's worn it 3 times!! He's left it lying on some football pitch, making it the 5th jacket he's just discarded. Out of the previous 4, 2 have found their way back to us. This one had better aswell. I'm telling you!!

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