Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Hanging in there... (ha!) ;)

Times have felt so very strange.

I have felt so very strange in these times. Yeah, that is the ticket.

Yeah...but these times are strange... for sure.

And wonderful too.

Sometimes, I forget to count the many blessings and decide that everything has been all wrong forever and always will be. On those days, it is good to pull in and sort it all out.

Not that I always do. Sometimes I send emails out that make me feel very stupid after I have done so.

I sent one call for help to our dear, Flick today and what did I find that she did? Not only answered my piss poor email, but left me 31 comments to come to. Now how sweet is that? Pretty darned sweet if you ask me. Still, I do feel a bit of the whining idiot.

Thanks Flick. That was over and beyond the call of duty and incredibly wonderful.

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