Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

The letter

Today Olivia received her first ever letter through the post. It was from her friend Carys, my God-daughter and Learning day by day's daughter. It was absolutely beautifully written - hard to believe that C is only four years old. It also included a colourful necklace and bracelet that O has been wearing all evening. O has studied the letter and has been very intrigued by the concept of writing a letter as she loves sending cards and knows that Mummy sends emails and texts and of course posts blips!

I therefore explained to her that writing letters is a lovely way to communicate and that I used to write to Carys's Mummy when I was younger. In fact I became all nostalgic and dug out Emma's first letter to me - dated 10th October 1993 (yes, I have always been dull and meticulous about filing letters etc!). Anyhoo, it's made me feel a little bit emotional and homesick, so thanks for that Em!
Love you all loads (Emma and her family, that is, although you blippers are all fab too!), x

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