
I love him to bits, but sometimes I could quite cheerfully throttle him.

On Sunday, I asked the question 'are we going to move the gazeebo, from outside the front bedroom window to its usual summer place.' 'No' came the reply, it can stay where it is. I then pointed out that the awning which is over the front bedroom window would then be redundant. 'We'll move it to above the archway at the front of the house'. So this morning when I got home from the gym, he said 'come on then, let's get this awning down and moved'. I pointed out that Corin fittted it last year and as Corin is 40 years younger and a dam sight fitter than Roy I was not happy with tackling the job. Anyway, tackle it we did. Got the thing down, after a bit of a struggle, then realised we needed new bolts, so a trip to the shop where we bought it from, we got the 4 new bolts, (no charge), home, brew, tape measure out, marked the drill holes and that's as far as we've got. Watch this space.!!!

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