
Bad bad night (you can read my thoughts on it here), so very very very tired this morning. Was supposed to go for a blood test at 11am but although I did manage to get to the surgery for then, at 20 past I remembered I was actually meant to be at the other surgery. D'oh. So blood test is rescheduled for Friday. At the other surgery. Really want to know what's causing all this pain. It's been pretty awful today.

As we walked back to the car I decided we needed something fun to look forward to doing this afternoon so we planned painting and cake making, but once we got home and I was finally having breakfast the phone rang and it was the window people seeing if we were in this afternoon! No projects needed, watching the window being fitted was excitement enough! Charley's getting lovely chunky legs these days. Maybe he is going to be bigger than Ben after all.

Managed to feed Ben early all day hoping that he wouldn't end up going to bed hungry, and it was still a struggle to get him to eat as he was exhausted by half past five, unsurprisingly given the night we had. He made it through til half past seven before coming up to bed and it wasn't long before he was snoring.

Chilli for tea - I love finding food in the freezer! Not had much luck prepping painting or cake-making for tomorrow though - Charley's concession to the 4-month-growth-spurt is to not want to be put down of an evening.

Y'know, given how irritable I started the day, how grumpy and fed up I was, it's nothing short of miraculous how I've got through and am feeling now. Even despite the constant pain.

All that praying has worked. Thanks God :D

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