Roll With It

By Falmike

What A Week

Taken in Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, shortly after this picture was taken I went off to the operating theatre for surgery on my wrist and arm.
On Saturday whilst trying to multi task on the first landing upstairs I stumbled and fell coming down on a broken old style sweet jar left at the top of the stairs.
In the photo are my two children of whom I am immensely proud. Whilst my wife and I tried to stem the blood flow Sam calmly dialled 999 and gave the ambulance service all the details, Josh assisted his Mum and waited for the ambulance.
I am now back home and very grateful for the care I received by all the staff with whom I came into contact. The surgeon was a man to whom I will always remain grateful.
I am back in for a check up on my birthday and will find out what's in store.
The upshot is another week-end away from my family, since April last year time seems to have passed in a whirlwind with hardly time to think.
Now is the time to spend time with my family, build my shed, finish the garden, BBQ, surf and relax, take life a bit more easy, as the doctor said, "your not getting any younger".

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