
By J0shua

Its wet undercover too

Ode to modern life

I'm tired but I just had a good nights sleep
Why am I so wired, I just had six coffees

I'm not well but I'm not sick
I'm sick of been sick but I'm not going to do anything about it

I'm dirty even after just having a shower
I want to be more gritty but I just had a shower

The greenies are radicals but well meaning
I'd like to help the environment, I just drove to work

I want to be more thoughtful, but I'm going too slow
I need to be quicker, I just got a speeding ticket

I need to achieve more, ooooh a new episode of NCIS
The media is dumbing down society, I love watching commercial TV

Commercialism is wrong, ooooh I must have that new thing-a-mee
It's such a throw away society, cool council cleanup this weekend

I want to be more educated, I haven't picked up a book in years
Gee education is so expensive, not been educated costs me how much?

I love the outdoors from the comfort of my lounge room
I love to travel but never leave home

I want to be healthy, by taking a pill
I'm trying to get fit without raising a sweat.

I need some help, give me a handout
I hate lazy people, get rid of handouts

Fast food is evil, yes I'll have a big mac, ooh make that a large meal deal
I just ordered that via a drive thru

I want to spend more time with family and friends, while working more hours
I don't earn enough, I need that new thing while driving my expensive car and ordering fast food

I'm standing in the rain, without an umbrella
Toughen up buttercup

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