Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Glad That's Over With!

Loki had his annual physical today, poor guy <3 But he was a champ and made it through. We found a new vet and I reallllly liked her (finally!! a vet I feel I can trust :) ). She and the vet tech were super understanding and very gentle with the delicate flower that is Loki. The vet's last name also has the word 'heal' in it - so she was probably destined for the job ;)

I asked her for any recommendations for a Vet Behaviorist and she had one she HIGHLY recommended who isn't very far from us (same city that Mr. Badger works in actually). So we will be scheduling an appointment for him soon and hopefully help move along with making him a happy, well-adjusted dog. We've been a bit stuck lately (I think mostly because Corra, while a great influence in some cases, has caused him to backslide in some behaviors).

And since we were switching vets (again!) - I had to look through all the past vet records and adoption papers. Turns out, 3 days and 3 years ago from today we adopted ole' Loki from a Rescue. He was named Allan then (wow, he is so not an Allan!) and had just flown in from Puerto Rico and lost his best buddy (he was adopted out before he even hit the adoption floor). Loki was shaking like a leaf in the kennel. We took him into a quiet room to get to know him better and he was so exhausted and so thankful for some peace and quiet, he fell asleep on my leg. I am so happy we decided to adopt him (Mr. Badger wanted him from the first moment he met him, I was hesitant as our first adoption didn't work out =\) ... and he was so right :) Love you Loki!

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