Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Lughole Driplets!

Backblipped on 18th April 2012

Here they are, the things I put in my lughole for a week or so to soften up the offending lump of wax! I was told by the nurse that I should buy the special ear ones and not just dump a whole load of the sodium bicarb I use for cleaning the fridge in my ear!

Can't remember much about today - I suspect it involved cages, moving stuff around, cleaning, and that sort of thing! The only thing on the calendar is an extended deadline for an Open University assignment. I had, at that point, stopped even thinking about the OU, since there was so much else going on! My poor brain cell was struggling to cope with it all so had to put studying to one side for a bit! So I just kept going with the most urgent stuff!

And kept dripping drops into "the offending lughole"!!!!

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