A MIMent In Time

By justmim

14/30 - eyes

Eyes? Are you sure? But I had my hair cut today and it's really quite short, especially when it's curly.


Okay, eyes it is.

Well, eye.


I had a much needed haircut this morning, I had a "trim" back in December however it was at a different hairdressers and I just didn't trust them enough to do anything much with it. So for the past month or so I have been wondering round with a mop on my head! My lovely usual hairdresser sorted that out today though :]

It is very short. Shorter than I expected - it literally does not touch my shoulders when curly... Need to get used to the different amounts of product, too.

But it was very nice to take an hour out from studying :]

Wee bit of work now then it's off to Fiona & Andy's for dinner! Mm :]

Yesterday ended up not being as productive an evening as I had hoped. Thankfully class tomorrow has been cancelled so I should have some time then to get this essay finished up!

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