More Life of Sands

By sands

HMS Illustrious & The Divers

So today we were running a new BSAC instructor training course called the Instructor Development Course. It's designed for Open Water Instructors who want to develop their instructional techniques further. There have been 2 pilot courses run and this was the first 'real life' course.

It went very well and all the students really enjoyed themselves and had high praise for us and the course (blowing our trumpets here :-) There were a few issues which we will send back to HQ but those were from us and not the students.

Later this afternoon, the HMS Illustrious, which was moored up a little way up Loch Long from where we were diving, decided to head out to sea, surrounded by a number of pilot boats. She was rather a magnificent sight, as you can see!

We had a very strange dinner tonight! We went to The Village Inn and just before we got there, they had a partial power cut! The only meals they could serve us were steak pies or pasta but as there was nowhere else we could eat by that time, we went for it and it was still very delicious!

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