Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

ya know..

those Jersey Barriers don't move.. and i'm SOO thankful they don't. This is my car after swerving hard (maybe too hard) to avoid getting side swiped by a driver in a VW Beetle, who apparently didn't see us in the lane right next to her.
We were on our way to my parent's house - we as in myself, the huz and all 4 kids. thank the gods we all walked away. bumps, bruises, and scrapes. SCARY AS HELL!! lost about $400 in supplies, that were stored in the cargo carrier that was on top of the car. when i realized it- that's when i broke down and started to sob. - kids ok, check, i'm ok check, huz ok check, my business? aww crap..
the woman who caused us to crash pulled over about 1/4 mile up the road, the state police questioned her, and she admitted fault. so now i've gotta get her information still to see about covering my tow, damages, and car.

65 MPH into a barrier then having airbags go off..not how i'd wanted to start my weekend. - it was also easter weekend.. *sigh*

(yeah i despised that car, but i didn't want to dispose of it that way)

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