My Head Hurts, My Feet Smell & I Don't Love Je

Woke up with the most horrendous hangover today. Heavy like a loaded gun. I ignored my phone buzzing, hit snooze a couple of times and just wallowed. Then I realised that I'd been in bed relatively early last night, after having a) been dancing badly and b) reading nearly three pages of my book. I had a dream that I'd been on a session, really quite vivid, so vivid that I actually believed I felt rubbish for a while there. Bit like waking up gay, I guess. Or Welsh. Nightmare.

Went for a walk at lunchtime, what a beautiful day, wandered round the block and through Inverlieth Park. Best way to shift a hangover, I felt great when I got back to work.

My Head Hurts, Jimmy Buffett

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