Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

24 hours makes a difference.

... And a lot of it, at that.

My kid brother is awake, and even managed a smile - the joy of pain killers.
Amazingly, he has some memory of the attack, albeit vague, and the damage to his spine isn't serious as he has feeling and movement in his legs.

Still a very stressful situation, but we at least know that he will be alright in time. Though seeing him like this, it's hard to imagine. He's almost unrecognisable due to all the fractures in his face. I still cannot believe someone can so easily to this much damage to a 16 year old. Not that he even looks 16 in this photo.
Heartless, some people.

Thank you to those of you who passed on well wishes for him and our family. Please don't take my lack of reply means I am ungreatful - I am so very thankful. Finding words at the moment is not such an easy thing. The combination of stress and lack of sleep.

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