
By Cari


visitor, that is. We have been living down here for over a year now. Have had friends and family make the 4 hour trip down for visits and it was nice....

So, work went well. Busy day! The only bummer is that my husband had to go in for a MRI and xrays on his back. He is in a lot of pain again and we are worried that something is going on with the surgeries from last year. He will be seeing his surgeon soon. I'm so praying that it's not his back but something 'simpler'. Went on working rest of day. There is a home show here this weekend (of which we weren't invited to join. That's another story) however, someone is sharing their booth with us so we will have a presence! Should be fun! Finished work. Stopped at the store to get stuff for salad. My husbands back is hurting so I send him out to the car and finish with the shopping. I am sooooo looking forward to going home, having a salad, then a little swim then relax with the recording of american idol, then to bed. But, what do I hear when I get in the car????...."M (brother of hubby) is on his way". me "wwhhhat????" "Well, M wanted to come down and I told him to call when he wanted to come. He's coming now and he's a half hour away" me..."WWWHHHHHAAAAATTTT". Well, change of plans. Sped home. Cleaned the bathroom. Did the dishes. Swept off the coffee table. Made up the guest room...yada yada. You get the picture. I was no where near ready for company no matter who they are! I adjusted. Hubby showed him around while I sat on couch eating my salad and fast forwarding thru AI. Visited for a bit. Now trying to decide if I want to swim this late or just head to bed. Hmmmmm.......

I hope everyone had a special day!
Happy Wednesday!

PS: I did great with my eating today! =)

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