Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Missed Boo's birthday party due to suspected clot in leg.

Cried a lot in triage. Didn't want to spend hours in hospital - waiting around missing the party - just to be told it was fluid retention, which is exactly what happened! The doc who saw me said "this is the most convincing blood clot I have seen for over a month. You need to stay". I stayed over night, had blood thinners, had a scan in the morning - all clear. Gutted to miss my boy's big day but also super relieved that the doc was proved wrong :)

I don't know who took the top photo - my friend or my Dad, all credit to them! A reminder to me that Boo had a cracking good time. The bottom shot is my pity shot. Doesn't look that impressive I know, I should've taken both legs so you could see the difference - if it had only been on both sides I don't think the doc would have been quite so sure it was a clot!

Weepy Mummy moment came when Boo came to visit me in hospital in the evening. He bought me some birthday cake to "feel you better, Mummy". He sobbed in confusion when I said I couldn't come home. "But you are better now? I gave you cake?". Ahh, he's a sweetie pie. Love him to bits :)

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