
Not sure what sort of fungal growth we have here. It's anther sign of autumn and yes, it really is vibrant.

My legs felt a bit tired and sore when I came downstairs this morning. I was glad to spend the morning at work. It seemed like a rest!

My wrist is mostly comfortable in the brace. The only time I was concerned when was away was descending the big scree slope. If I was left handed I wouldn't be going away at present but as it's not my dominant hand I can cope.

I think I'm sorted for the weekend. Just a few odd things to do tonight then it's a matter of ticking off my list of last minute things tomorrow morning. This weekend's tramp won't be as hard as the previous couple of days. The weather remains stellar and I'm happy to sleep out if the hut is full tomorrow night (but I'll head for the beech trees this time ;-)

Clean glasses, shower, massage Tiger Balm into wrist, dinner, dishes, stretch, bed.

Oh, and the hunter has reminded me we're off to the Court Theatre on Monday night. It's usually me reminding him ;-)

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