Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

Coming along

Today we trundled up to the new house to plant lots of home-raised plants, bushes and trees.

Just before we started we took a wiggly drive up to the top of the Pic de Tantajo to see how the house looks from above. You can see that it's progressing well and will look a lot less white when it has its grey metal roof.

Back down to the garden and we planted plum, oleanders, bay, loquat, sage, roses, cosmos, walnuts and cistus. It's a relief to have them in the ground, giving me back space in and around the greenhouse at home. Some of them are being planted at less than the optimum time but if we keep them well watered they should survive.

For the moment the garden isn't at its final levels; temporary terraces will need to be redone when the builders and window installers no longer need them. As a result I can't begin the big planting - a very frustrating state of affairs. I think I'll have to wait until next Spring before I can start in earnest.

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