Views of my world

By rosamund


This is a photo of Carlos in his natural habitat.

What you don't know about Carlos is that he is the most patient, understanding, thoughtful, kind and loving man to walk the planet.

What you don't know about me is that sometimes I can be selfish, angry, loud and mean.

You can work out that it's stress (and hormones) that make me feel and act this way.

I had the day to end all days today at work, deadlines, police, lawyers, social workers, hospital, stitches and infections.

There were good things too. A mum who was understanding, A dad who was inspired. A friend who took responsibility. A staff who were supportive. A child who made me smile. A respected colleague who said WOW! And cake, there must always be cake.

At the end of the day I came home to my amazing family, we hugged, we ate, we laughed, we drank, and I was thankful for them.

Carlos has set up for an evening of gaming, as for me, I'm going to grumble and go to bed (apparently it's what I do on a Friday night).

Grumble, grumble, night night.

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