The Return Home
Cycling back from work this evening I met up with a good mate of mine, Ged, and we were able to enjoy a bit of a catch-up. He'd won a road race the previous weekend and it was great to hear the story. There is no one I know more canny on the bike and certainly no one for whom I have more respect when it comes to cycling. Chapeau my friend. Hopefully this will be the start of a great season.
As far as my photography is concerned this last week and a half has been all about the skies and the amazing cloud displays. It's fitting then to choose a blip tonight to showcase those clouds once more. As we crested the hill by the Cow and Calf I bid goodbye and stopped to take some pictures. From here it's a mile downhill to my house at the foot of the moor. I stopped a while to take in the view and became aware that mind and spirit had finally caught up with the rest of me and had returned home from Ireland!
I found out this afternoon that Showers over Sheepshead had been made a staff pick. That really is the icing on the cake for my magical trip to Ireland. Thanks to whoever picked that one out, and also for those who have left such kind and thoughtful comments this last few hectic weeks. Have a wonderful weekend. I've barely seen by two sons during that time but we have a date to watch Moneyball. They are waiting for me. I'll report back later.
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