Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Tulips

BREAKING NEWS: We interrupt this blip to tell you that I was sitting here at the computer admiring my pretty tulip blip and I looked outside and there they were. The Evening Grosbeaks have made their appearance at the feeders. After the babies hatch they will bring their little ones to the water. Yay!

I hope the nice folks at Blip Central will okay this image. Played with tulips in Picasa.. A few things plus Cinemascope setting so it looks like a border.

Anyway THIS is the one I wish I could have gotten perfect. I tried, believe me I tired. How cool this would have looked if this was in focus? I even have had the title - Balance. Decent macro lens goes on the want list. Sigh.

Anyway...this is my blip for the day...more tulips. Gotta love the tulips. And now, back to cleaning the kitchen. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

Have a terrific weekend, Blippers. Happy trails to you until we meet again. (Hee hee, people of a certain age will no doubt find that tune in their head now...)

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