Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

On his anniversary

It' took me longer than a year to come to my 365th entry and now on the 23rd birthday of my youngest I reach that number with a blip of him in earlier years. Tomorrow we'll meet one another and party.

When starting on blip I'd not realised how captivate it soon would be to me, finding this community of blippers from all over the world, sharing pictures and thoughts and experiences so happily and giving remarks on each others captures and notes. Happy occasions shared, but also the sad and painful experiences shared like from New Zealand after the quakes - blipworld shares personal news so quickly and beautifully, it's one of the addictive characters of this site.
There've been many days I did not have an entry and was not willing to make an emergency blip just for the add no matter how much I love the challenge of making an every day entry. I'd like to thank you all for commenting on my blips and I will get on blipping as it's become a happy addiction to me too:))

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