
By Hayls

A taste for Tintin

Mixed bag of a day today.

Started by going to my friend's dad's funeral. It was sad. What else would it be? My friend was amazing. She entered the chapel with a steely look of determination on her face that said 'Right, I'm ready, let's get this done'. It was nice to hug her afterwards because I know she was like mush underneath the facade and I know she's going to be hurting for a long time.

Came home to my boys who, unusually for them, refused to go to the library with me so I went on my own. It was nice to be able to mooch about parts of the library other than the children's section. The blip shows a Tintin exhibition in the library foyer. The boys have recently discovered Tintin and it has become something of an unexpected hit with them. Cue numerous searches of charity shops across Scotland as I feed their new Tintin addiction. I know variety is the spice of life but I do wish they would stick with one thing for longer than five minutes!

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