Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Ramblers ...

Lovely day today. Went for a walk with the very sexy Mrs Nicktor this morning and the dogs over Chapel Common. I got my big boy out to take with me, but Mrs Nicktor thought that rain looked likely and she counselled me against it.

Took photos of a Buzzard and a Heron that would have looked fantastic with a bit more lens! And not a drop of rain ..... Next time ....

Then golf with my friend Kevin this afternoon at the new golf club that we have joined. Cant believe how many hills there are in Hampshire. I am more exhausted than I have been for a long time.

Through the whole round of golf I've been wondering what the collective for ramblers would be. I guess you could have a walk of ramblers? But I thought an anorak of ramblers sounded better :-)

So beer, bath and then collapse in a heap :-)

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