I went to visit my mum today. She asked me to help her with some knitting - she used to be a very good knitter but now she finds it a bit difficult to control the needles as well as she used to. She is trying to knit a hot water bottle cover but she'd had several attempts at casting on the stitches and failed each time, and she didn't know anyone else locally who knits so she asked me.
Now, it's a long while since I've done any knitting, but like riding a bicycle, it seems that it is something that you don't forget. I cast on the stitches she needed and did a few rows to get her going and handed it over to her. However, I spent most of the afternoon trying to sort out the muddles she managed to get into - not helped by her choosing to do a rather more complicated pattern, with two colours, than is really necessary - typical of my mum!
Needless to say, in the end, she unravelled the inch or so that we managed to complete, and we started again with a slightly less complicated stitch pattern. I managed to get about an inch done before I left this evening, and I hope that she'll manage to continue without dropping too many stitches! I have said she can send it to me by post if help is needed before I go to see her again!
We had a good laugh about it all though, and I rather enjoyed spending the afternoon knitting and chatting. I must think about something I could knit myself.
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