just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms


I spent much of the day wrestling with assessing maths and designing and creating new maths planners. It's the first time that I felt I've made progress in the right direction with these. However, it might sound like a singularly unremarkable and tedious day to you. Especially for a day off. You would be right.

This was jus one of the days when, as my motivation mug says, you 'shut up and get on with it'. So I did. Aided by fresh coffee and a danish.

When I did make it to the window to see the world, the dark and heavy clouds were rolling down from the north, creating one of those strangely exhilarating views with sunshine to one side and deep, dark and looming cloud to the other.

It was against this background that the fragile cherry blossom radiated it's presence. I felt it's brief appearance, soon to be huffed away by the winds, was worthy of remembering in a blip.

Once again, you see the beauty in the fragile things when they are under threat. See? I could write cheap motivation cards. But the planners aren't finished. Shut up, and get on with it.

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