Tummy Time

I was up very very early this morning, but thankfully I saw sense quickly and went back to bed!! (That was after getting coffee and laundry ready to go, and changing a massively soggy nappy...)

Swimming for both boys this morning. We've all been looking forward to it I think. Ben swam on his back for the first time by himself (ie with nobody holding him, he still has armdiscs) - the smile on his face when Lucy told him he was swimming by himself was immense, he was so proud of himself, it was such an achievement!

Charley managed his whole lesson despite not having had a nap, so I was pleased. He loves swimming now. He's come a long way since his first couple of lessons! He'd not forgotten his "ready, go!" command, and in fact decided that it was rather hilarious to be dunked underwater and started chuckling at me after each dip :) We were given his underwater picture today, and despite looking a little scarey in at least one of them, and the one with me in having a bubble in an unfortunate place (I really don't do underwater!) they're pretty good. Not entirely sure what they aim to proove except as a record that he's totally au fait with being underwater!

I'm beginning to think that Ben has pretty much lost his dive reflex though. The whole point of learning to swim this early is to try and maintain the "dive reflex" that babies are born with, to stop breathing if they go underwater. Charley's reflex is amazing, you can see it in the pictures (which are not online yet). Ben does not like going under any more though. He is happy to have his face under when swimming, and to blow bubbles, but he does not like diving for the divesticks even though he can do it. Steve has suggested getting him some goggles, to see if that helps - not with the breathing bit as I think it stops being a reflex and becomes a learned thing fairly early, but maybe that's why he doesn't like going under, because he can't see.

Anyway. Dropped him off at friends after swimming and he stayed there for lunch AND tea, while Steve and I got on with stuff. Steve has been connecting up all the network points, and I have been cutting and sorting bits of paper and card and trying to write a useful instruction sheet for the messy mama kits. Nearly done!

Charley has spent the afternoon very determinedly trying to roll right over. Every time I change his nappy he gets some nappy-free time under his playgym. He can roll onto his side easily now, even with his big-ass nappy on when he's on a mission. And he's almost getting onto his tummy. He is very determined. Unfortunately as he's normally naked I'm reluctant to take photos of him - might have to go 'sposie and put some trousers on him for a bit of a photoshoot ;o)

And, the non-pregnancy-related food cravings continue. Picked up a tin of spam today. Mmmm. We had breaded spam goujons for tea. Very wrong, but very very right. I'm still trying to balance my insulin / food at teatime though - through the rest of the day my sugars are pretty stable at the moment but with both boys feeding to sleep at the same time just after tea I always end up dipping a bit by the time I go to bed. Still, it gives me an excuse to have a slice of toast for supper and not have to inject...

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