
By GingerNan

Old Bakery Macetown, Otago.

Today we drove through to Macetown- a 4WD only track-interesting!!!!
Macetown was first settled in the early 1860s as a result of the discovery of gold in the Arrow River and its catchment. At first the rush was for alluvial gold from the river and its flats. Later the miners turned their attention to the hills and several quartz mining operations were established, some high above the aptly named Rich Burn, which joins the Arrow at Macetown. The village owed its existence solely to the mining industry; when that failed the town slowly died and by the 1930s Macetown was a ghost town. All that is left today are some ruins. This building is the Bakery which has been restored. It is amazing with fullsize trees- oaks, sycamores etc all at the moment in their autumn finery.
Enjoy. (I have also done a backblip for yesterday- check out my image.) I will make some delayed comments as the WiFi is expensive!!!

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