Each day a gift.

By Margiesy

Here they are - Linda, Troy, Tilly, Melly, Doug, John, Ruby and Tara - forming a team to Run the Rock, an event to raise money for the Cancer Council. I was honoured to have my name on the banner, acknowledging my own challenge with cancer. With very generous donations they raised $1000 in a very short time. How wonderful is that!!!!
I joined in with the 5km walk whilst some of the team undertook their first 10km run. Brilliant effort!
Mum and Ireen watched from the sidelines which was lovely.
Afterwards we had a picnic as you do at Hanging Rock ( watch the movie ). That's the rock in the background. It's deceptive in that it looks fairly small, but the configuration of rocks means you can spend ages wandering amongst them. It's quite wonderful! The drive out to the rock, early in the morning, was through thick fog but when we got to the rock it was bathed in sunshine and gloriously warm.
All in all a ripper of a day!

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