Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

The old ones are the best.

Fantastic night last night, 87 people attended the dinner. It was alot of hard work for Roy and I, but it was worth it.

The kitchen staff love us, when I do the table plans, I note everyones name and what they have ordered, a copy goes on the table and a copy goes in the kitchen, so the chef knows exactly who is having what.

A couple of small blips (no pun intended), one couple sat at the wrong table, which caused a bit of chaos, when I realised what had happened I asked them to move, one of the wives didn't realise that the starters were on the table, mixed cheeses and ham, and stuffed peppers, she was waiting for hers to come out and be placed in front of her. The wine flowed, conversation was good and the singer had everyone up on the dance floor.

I was sober, Roy had one too many, but no ill effects this morning. we've got nothing in the fridge to eat, so nipped to Gamma to get something for tea tonight and noticed these sweets, couldn't resist them.

Have back blipped the last few days, my headache has gone, my BP is better and my tinnitus is not as bad as it was.

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