The rest of forever...

By DrMac


A normal walk, breakfast, cycling, training, cycling, second breakfast, sorted school stuff, wound up wedding clock, cleaned fire, loaded up coal and wood, ironed shirts, hoovered, dusted, ate lunch, prepared tomorrow's pack up, cleaned dog kennel and kept half an eye on the marathon...

Then I ventured into the garden. I just need to remind you that when you went away to Nepal you knew you were leaving me in charge of our home and the garden.

Oops. Schoolboy error.

I used the new petrol mower. I now understand why you can't mow a wet lawn. I did use the instructions to work out why it kept jamming, cutting out and then wouldn't re-start and after a lot of sweating and swearing I was quite chuffed with my efforts at tackling the overgrown jungle that is the little garden...the big one will have to wait until the grass is actually dry!

Then I used the oversized scissors that live in the garden shed to trim the grass around the gate so that I can get it fully open and the car in and out of the drive without having to breath in everytime I do. I also chopped some 'weeds' that looked ugly. I say 'weeds' 'cos that's what they are in my book. Let's hope that they actually are!

And then I got irritated with the faff that gardening is and the fact that it kept raining...with Lottie walking mucky paw prints in the sunroom when I was cleaning it and Pippa repeatedly dropping her ball at my feet and tripping me up. When I heard myself say, "For god's sake you two, get out of my house and stop making a mess, it's like having bloody children" I realised that I needed time out! So they had a piggy ear in the kennel and I came inside to do school work, sort the World Book Night books and ring Mum.

And it's only 3.25pm.
The list on the kitchen work top still has twelve things on it.
Bedtime at 9.30pm, should be able to squash it all in by then!

Hope you are having a nice Sunday too!

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