In Brief, for once...

By JaxI


A quaich full of beads lying beside my bed caught the light prettily. Hence the baubly blip.

Today was a rainy Sunday, the kind best spent curled up on the couch with a book and a decadent cup of hot chocolate.

So needless to say, I got up at 7 (slightly hungover from last night's wine), walked the dog for an hour, managed a quick shower before rushing off to a Young Americans meeting- the latest volunteer event I have got myself involved in. After helping at an info session, then a planning meeting till 3pm, I came home, stuffed a bento into my face while catching the latest "good wife" then drove half an hour to pick up the child at a party, got back at 7, started cooking dinner, cuddled the dog and the child who is suddenly not feeling well alternately, ate dinner at 9 o'clock to a documentary about orangutans, did some e-mail and now it is 10 to midnight .
Once again need a day off to recover from my relaxing weekend!

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