Stiggy played guitar....
......jammin' good with Weird and Gilly.
Slowly getting back into a routine (I like routine, I forget and lose less). Owen started back at guitar lessons; Broughton High Music School. Really nice facility; lessons and instrument provided free by Creative Scotland funding.
Later, I dropped Stig round at Aunty Mo's for an overnighter with cousin Jacob, and popped into the Beard and Cardigan for some welcome pints of OB and a chew of the fat with LL Cool Jim and Edwards' Eye. I was also delighted to bump into my good chums Richy and Karen; it's been too long.
Thence to The City Cafe for Cat's 40th birthday bash; musically presented by Rog and Pete on the decks; chuneful sets chaps. The inevitable post-party crash back to Cat's flat wound-up at 3.30am.....always good to recover from jet lag gently.
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