Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Sad face, happy face

This is the poor little girl who has been throwing up every 20-30 minutes since 6am.
I managed to get her to sit outside with her sick bowl for ten minutes while I hung up some washing but she didn't last long. I tried to cheer her up with talk of things we can do when she's better but the only thing that looked enthusiastic was the smiley face on the umbrella.

Tummy bugs are awful, hideous, nasty mean things and we saw Tess go through more than her fair share when she was a toddler. But at least they are slightly more bearable on longer sunnier days than in winter. Just...

We had a terrible night anyway last night because Richard's sinuses are misbehaving badly and I'm stressed about a lot of things so now we're EXHAUSTED and probably have a tough night to look forward to.

I feel as if I've been thumped in the back, I'm so tired. I know it's far worse for Tess though. She said, 'This is the worst time of my life, ever. I hate being sick and I wish I could go forward in time to when I'm better.'
Me too.
She's a light-eater and usually very active so she's skinny anyway but at the moment she looks scrawny.

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