Colin McLean

By ColinMcLean


I was at Edinburgh's Western General Hospital today to visit my mother, and remembered seeing this building some years ago, so went looking for it. It's the Nuffield Transplantation Unit, designed by Borders-based architect Peter Womersley in 1963 and built 1964-68 or thereabouts. It is described in more than one source as the first purpose built transplantation unit in the world. It is a bold and uncompromising design in reinforced concrete, and still in use.

Womersley created a number of iconic pieces of modernism, perhaps his best-known being the Bernat Klein Studio outside Selkirk. The last time I passed, it was sadly derelict, but this article from 2008 reckons it is being refurbished by a new owner. I must pay a visit.

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