In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth

Safari Day Five...

...and it all began to draw to a close.

At early morn, we left the Massai Park, embarking upon two hours of bumps and grinds before hitting a civilised road - though I did manage to sleep this time. A spirit of positive reflection filled the van as we made our way back along the long road (yet another 6 hour stint) back to Nairobi.

A stop at another of the road side stores proved entertaining. Ian yet again surpassed himself in the area of negotiation and haggling; this time he bought the hits of Africa after being asked if he could promote a local talent's work. He was also asked if he could hand over his pen, not as part of the deal though. Apparently, the artist also collected pens! How earnest.

Having made the decision to spend the afternoon, evening and early hours in Nairobi, time was on our hands and all were generally relaxed - if not tired and rather blue about the imminent return to the dust bowl. We decided that if we got too down in the dumps we would 'spot' each other with one word: Kenya. Reminding ourself of the happiness there would cheer us up!

Nairobi is yet another reason why I'll be applying for jobs in Kenya after next year. The women, expat and local alike, are stunning and the vibe is one I can mrege into with ease. Whilst there, we had the opportunity to haggle at an actual market. Vicky, true to form, was hooked on the crafts, clothes and nik naks. I made it my mission to reel her in from time to time. Efforts she has since thanked me for as her method of adding a hundred local shilligns after every refusal was likely to take its toll on her pocket! Stick to your guns love!

The night out was simply amazing. I'm not used to entering late night bars at 7pm and staying there for the duration, but I am both flexible (as proved on the dance floor) and open minded (as proved on the dance floor). The venue and clientel were another sterling example of how friendly and entertaining the place truely is. To summise, we got absolutely shit faced and celebrated in true style. A fine Anglo-American party in the midst of some highly entertained locals - notwithstanding the hookers that everyone but me had spotted and everyone but me avoided dancing with (oh well!) The prospect of the 4am flight did nothing to hinder our spirits. Least of all my own, as I rather recklessly decided to drink beers inbetween several rounds of beers!

In Other News
Quotes of the day:
'I really don't want to dissappoint him.' James, the guide, in reference to Ian's version of the local hit Jambo Jambo when asked, 'so, does it go like that then...?'

'I thought you were Mr. Bean's cousin.' James, the guide, in reference to Ian in general....underpinned by his continued surpirse at Ian being a teacher.

'So, were they hookers like everyone has said?' Me enquiring. 'There is a very very high possiblity.' James pacifying whilst smirking and avoiding my gaze!

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