All warmed by yesterday's bliplove, tonight we were eating delicious fish and chips from a proper fish and chip van... in France. In our town there is a small shop run by a British couple, selling British stuff. They bring us bulk orders of Oatibix when Conor is running low, but we've never been to any of their social events before. But we thought we'd give this fish and chips night a go. The food was definitely worth it - and was being enjoyed mightily by the French folk who came along too. We met some interesting folk who were quite happy to talk about themselves, so it was a rather easy and relaxing few hours out.
So, thank you all so very much for all the congratulations yesterday. I've been a bit blip-lite of late - due mainly to an internet connection so frustratingly slow that it could take a full five minutes to download just the text from one blip. However, before I started pulling the computer to bits to wiggle the wireless card, I figured I'd try it at the other end of the room and 'tada' it's fine. So after a quick room re-arrangement, I'm back to bother you all.
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