Fancy Claps

By safetyisoff

Sparkle and Fade

- Everclear

Intended on doing a lot of things today including: making a trip to Gabriel Brothers (still have yet to check that place out) in Kent, getting my paperwork done for my new job (supposed to start on Wed, but can't unless this stuff gets filled out), and most importantly: work on that paper I was procrastinating last night. Instead, I spent most of the day sleeping in and watching the old "Beverly Hills: 90210" season 2. It turned out to be ok though because my "little draft" of the procrastinated paper was sufficient for my draft submission online. Now I just gotta get the final thing done by Oct. 1st.

Babysat tonight and watched both "Clue" and "Made of Honor". This was a picture I took nearing midnight.

Another choice with a different flash option:

Ohhh shiny :)

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